Upgrade to Squarespool Pro or Squarespool Elite (Lifetime)

Squarespool pro offers a lot of features and functionality above and beyond the free version. A few examples are: For a full list of extra features, click here: Squarespool Pro Full Feature List

Note: if you are unsatisified with squarespool Pro, you can get a refund, no questions asked. Just send an email to craigh01@gmail.com. Please don't do a chargeback, that costs me extra money and a huge hassle. Just ask for a refund and I'll refund it right away. (You'll have to go back to the old squarespool though...). I'm adding enhancments to the Pro version as we speak, so it will be getting better and better over the next few weeks.

WE ARE HAVING A SPECIAL Normal prices are $7.95/year, or $19.95 for lifetime. The special prices are $5.95 for a year, and $14.95 for lifetime. Click below to get the special prices.

UPGRADE to Squarespool Pro! 1-year SPECIAL PRICE $5.95   UPGRADE to Squarespool Pro! Lifetime SPECIAL PRICE $14.95


Squarespool Pro Change History