Most Likely Squares Pool Numbers

Best numbers to get

Certain scores are of course more likely than others. Therefore, when they pick their square(s), they don't know what the NUMBERS are on the left and on the top. After everyone picks their square(s), the game runner will generate the numbers.

So, WHICH numbers are more likely??? I'll just go back to last year (2011) and see how many NFL scores ended in each number. I'm skipping pre-season games, so up through the conference championships, you had 267 games, so you had 534 scores. So, which superbowl squares numbers are more likely, which ones happen more often? HERE IT IS:
NumberTimes OccurredPercentScoresComments
79415.6%17 (42 times), 27 (27 times!), 7 (17 times), 37 (8 times) Gotta get that 7!
08614.3%20 (39 times), 10 (26 times), 30 (14 times), 0 (5 times), 40 (2 times) 
48213.6%24 (40 times), 14 (21 times), 34 (20 times), 44 (1 times) 
38013.3%23 (32 times), 13 (30 times), 3 (13 times), 33 (5 times)Looks like 3 or 4 are about the same
1416.8%31 (20 times), 21 (12 times), , 41 (6 times), 11 (2 times)THIS ROW is the cutoff! You want to have a 7, 0, 4, or 3!
6376.1%16 (21 times), 26 (10 times), 6 (3 times), 36 (2 times), 46 (1 times)I really would have thought 6 would be more common!
9335.5%19 (18 times), 29 (6 times), 9 (4 times), 49 (4 times), 39 (1 times)
8315.1%38 (12 times), 28 (11 times), 18 (3 times), 48 (3 times), 8 (2 times)
5305.0%35 (11 times), 45 (10 times), 25 (6 times), 15 (3 times)Looks like 9, 8, and 5 are equally bad
2203.3%22 (6 times), 12 (5 times), 32 (4 times), 42 (2 times), 2 (1 times), 62 (1 times)Gotta hate this one! The WORST one is a 2!

Of course the problem here is that I just have the TOTAL score. I bet 3 is a lot more likely in the first quarter. But my database only has final scores. If anyone knows where I could get a database of scores by quarter, could you let me know? My email is

Or you can run the program to generate this page: Most Likely SuperBowl Square Numbers

Here is a program that generates a list of the most likely numbers by quarter: Most Likely SuperBowl Square Numbers By Quarter

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